Claresholm Anglican Church
St. John The Evangelist
Est. 1907
To proclaim the love of God in Jesus Christ as Risen Lord, to embody in our lives the good news we have experienced in Him, to offer joy and hope, and to engage one another and those around us in fulfilling Christ's mission in friendship, worship and service.

Service Hours
You Are Always Welcome
Sunday: 10:30 AM. Potluck on the last Sunday of every month after the service.
Father Tim Webster

Chandra Gray

Music Leader
Peti Webster

Sydney Gray

Nancy Maluga

Hygiene Product Relief Program
This program is in place to help anyone in need of hygienic products. St. John The Evangelist offers a place where people in need of some financial relief can receive the described products. It is also a place where volunteers may bring supplies or volunteer their time.
Program Coordinator, Chandra Gray
Social Media Coordinator, Dana Allan
Contact Us
Let us know you’re out there! Contact St. John The Evangelist today.
126 52 Ave W Claresholm PO Box 400 t0l 0t0 Canada
Church Building (403) 625-2732 Sydney and Sheila Gray (403) 625-2132